Communication 1982
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BERGER, C. R. & BRADAC, J. J. Language and social knowledge : uncertainty in interpersonal relations, London : Arnold.

CLARK, R. W. Effective speech, Encino : Glencoe Pub. Co.

COSNIER, J. ; BERRENDONNER, A. ; COULON, J. & ORECCHIONI, C. Les voies du langage : communications verbales, gestuelles et animales, Paris : Dunod.

GUMPERZ, J. J. Discourse strategies, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] & New York : Cambridge University Press.

GUMPERZ, J. J. (ed.) Language and social identity, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] & New York : Cambridge University Press.

HARTVELDT, D. De gesproken samenleving : over het analyseren van gesprekken, Muiderberg : Coutinho

HAUBL, R. Gesprächsverfahrenanalyse : ein Beitrag zur sprachwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung, Frankfurt am Main & Bern : Lang.

PEARSON, J. C. & NELSON, P. E. Understanding and sharing : an introduction to speech communication, 2nd ed., Dubuque : W. C. Brown Co.

QUENAULT, C. & FAUVEL, J. Parler en public, c’est facile, Paris : A. Michel.

SCHNANKER, H. H. The spoken word, New York : McGraw-Hill.

STATI, S. Il dialogo : considerazioni di linguistica pragmaticam Napoli : Liguori.

TANNEN, D. (ed.) Spoken and written language : exploring orality and literacy, Norwood, N.J. : ABLEX Pub. Corp.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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