Communication 1985
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BENSON, T. W. Speech communication in the 20th century, Cardonale : Southern Illinois University Press.

BRAGA, G. La comunicazione verbale : una ricerca sociologica, Milano : F. Angeli.

BROOKS, W. D. Speech communication, 5th ed., Dubuque, Iowa : W.C. Brown Publishers.

CUSHMAN, D. P. & CAHN, D. D. Communication in interpersonal relationships, Albany : State University of New York Press.

DUNCAN, S. Jr. & FISKE, D. W. Interaction structure and strategy, with R. Denny, B. G. Kanki, & H. B. Mokros, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] & New York : Cambridge University Press ; Paris
: Editions de la maison des sciences de l'homme.

HOFFMANOVÁ & VIEHWEGER, D. (eds) Linguistische und sozialpsychologische Analyse der mündlichen Kommunikation, Praha : Ceskoslovenská akademie ved, Ústav pro jazyk ceský.

HUNDSNURSCHER, F. & FRANKE, W. (eds) Das Verkaufs-, Einkaufs-Gespräch : eine linguistische Analyse, Stuttgart : H.-D. Heinz.

HUNT, G. T. Effective communication, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall.

IRIGARAY, L. Parler n'est jamais neutre, Paris : Editions de Minuit.

KNAPP, M. L. & MILLER, G. R. (eds) Handbook of interpersonal communication, Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Publications.

LOPRETE, C. A. El lenguaje oral : fundamentos, formas y técnicas, Buenos Aires : Plus Ultra.

NEMETZ ROBINSON, G. L. Crosscultural understanding : processes and approaches for foreign language, English as a second language, and bilingual educators, New York : Pergamon Press.

PEARSON, J. C. & NELSON, P. E.  Understanding and sharing : an introduction to speech communication, 3rd ed., Dubuque : W.C. Brown.

SAYER, J. E. & RICKERT, W. E. Functional speech communication : theory and practice in oral communication, 2nd ed., Dubuque : Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.

SCHWARZ, C. Bedingungen der sprachlichen Kommunikation, Berlin : Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft.

STREET, R. L. Jr. & CAPPELLA, J. N. (eds) Sequence and pattern in communicative behaviour, London & Baltimore, Md. : Arnold.

TUCKER, B. & MORROW, D. Speech communication : expanding a practical approach, Dubuque : Kendall Hunt Pub. Co.

TUTTLE, G. E. & COMADENA, M. (eds) Introduction to speech communication, 2nd ed., Prospect Heights, Ill. : Waveland Press.

WERTSCH, J. V. (ed.) Culture, communication, and cognition : Vygotskian perspectives, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] & New York : Cambridge University Press.

ZEUSCHNER, R. B. Building clear communication, Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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