Coreference 1995
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FLETCHER, Ch. R., [et al.], «The role of co-occurence, coreference, and causality in the coherence of conjoined sentences», in R. F. Lorch, Jr. & E. J. O'Brien (eds.), Sources of coherence in reading, Hillsdale, N. J. : Erlbaum Associates.

GROENENDIJK, J. ; STOKHOF, M. & VELTMAN, Fr. Coreference and modality, Technical Report, ILLC/Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam.

GROENENDIJK, J. ; STOKHOF, M. & VELTMAN, Fr. Coreference and modality in the context of multi-speaker discourse, Technical Report, ILLC/Department of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam.

HIRSCHMAN, L. et al. «Automating coreference. The role of annotated training data», in Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Applying Machine Learning to Discourse Processing, Stanford University.

McCARTHY, L. & LEHNERT, W. G. «Using decision trees for coreference resolution», in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 95.

STOKHOF, M. ; GROENENDIJK, J. & VELTMAN, Fr. «Coreference and contextuality restricted quantification», in M. Krifka (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Semantics and Linguistics Theory, Ithaca, NY:  DMML Publications.

SWINNEY, D. & ZURIF, E. «Syntactic  processing in aphasia», Brain and Language 50-2 : 225-239.

TRECHSEL, Fr. R. «Binding and coreference in Jakaltek», in Cl. S. Burgess, K. Dziwireck & D. Gerdts (eds.), Grammatical relations: theoritical approaches to empirical issues, Stanford : CSLI.

VILIAN, M. ; BURGER, J. ; ABERDEEN, J. ; CONNOLLY, D. & HIRSCHMAN, L. «A model-theoretic coreference scoring scheme», in Proceedings of the Sixth Message Understanding Conference (MUC-6), San Francisco: Morgan.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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