Deixis 1997
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BALLARD, D. et al. «Deictic codes for the embodiment of cognition», Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20-4: 723-742.

BELLALEM, N. & ROMARY, L. «Structural analysis of co-verbal deictic gesture in multimodal dialogue systems», in Ph. A. Harling & A. D. N. Edwards (eds.), Progress in gestural interaction. Proceedings of gesture workshop '96, Berlin & New York: Springer.

BICKEL, B. «Spatial operations in deixis, cognition, and culture: Where to orient oneself in Belhare», in J. Nuyts & E. Pederson (eds.), Language and conceptualization, Cambridge: University Press.

CORTÈS, C. «Zur textfunktion des Tempus und der deiktischen Temporaladverbien», in H. Quintin, M. Najar & S. Genz (eds.), Temporale Bedeutungen Temporale Relationen, Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.

DENIS, M. «The description of routes: a cognitive approach to the production od spatial discourse», Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition 16: 409-458.

FILLMORE, C. Lectures on Deixis, CSLI.

FREEMAN, M. H. «Grounded spaces: deictic-self anaphors in the poetry of Emily Dickinson», Language and Literature 6-1: 7-28.

GRAEFEN, G. Der wissenschaftliche Artikel: Textart und Textorganization, Frankfurt-am-Main & New York: Lang.

HADAR, U. & BUTTERWORTH, B. «Iconic gestures, imagery, and word retrieval in speech», Semiotica 115-1/2: 147-172.

HASPELMATH, M. From space to time : temporal adverbials in the world’s languages, München : LINCOM Europa.

HERMAN, V. «Deixis and space in drama», Social Semiotics 7-3: 269-283.

HIMMELMANN, N. P. Deiktikon, Artikel, Nominalphrase: zur Emergenz syntaktischer Struktur, Tübingen: Niemeyer.

HOLMQVIST, K. «The use of gestural deixis for ethnic contrast», manuscript.

HOLMQVIST, K. «Focus on gesture in face-to-face communication», presented at the 1st symposium on multimodal communication, Gothenburg University (with M. Guilberg).

HOLMQVIST, K. «Focus on gesture - visual on gestures in conversational narratives», presented at the 9th European conference on eye movement, Ulm (with M. Guilberg).

HOUSTON, St. D. «The shifting now: aspect, deixis, and narrative in classic Maya texts», American Anthropologist 99: 291-305.

KLEIBER, G. «Dialogue, deixis et anaphore», in D. Luzzati et al. (eds.), Le dialogique (Colloque international sur les formes philosophiques, linguistiques, littéraires et cognitives du dialogue, Université du Maine 1994), Berne: Lang.

KLEIBER, G. «Pourquoi faut-il éteindre la cigarette ici et non là?», in K. Bogacki & T. Giermak-Zielinska (eds.), Espace et temps dans les langues romanes et slaves (Actes du huitième colloque de linguistique romane et slave, Varsovie, 1996), Varsovie, Institut de Philologie Romane de l'Universté de Varsovie.

KOCH, P. «Diskurstraditionen: zu ihrem sprachtheoretischen Status und ihrer Dynamik», in B. Frank, Th. Haye & D. Tophinke (eds.), Gattungen mittelalterlicher Schriftlickeit, Tübingen: Narr.

LAURY, R. Demonstratives in interaction: the emergence of a definite article in Finnish, Studies in Discourse and Grammar, 7, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

LAVRIC, E. «'Ese reino movible' - Spanish, franösische und deutsche Demonstrativa», in G. Wotjak (ed.), Studien zum romanisch-deutschen und innerromanischen Sprachvergleich, Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang.

LENZ, F. Diskursdeixis im Englischen: sprachtheorie überlegungen und lexico-grammatische Analysen, Tübingen: Niemeyer.

LESSAN-PEZECHKI, H. Système verbal et deixis en persan et en français. Approche contrastive (...), thèse de doctorat, Université Stendhal - Grenoble III.

LEU, D. J. Jr. «Caity's question: literacy as deixis on the Internet», The Reading Teacher 51-1: 62-67. Available:

LEVINSON, S. C. «Language and cognition: the cognitive consequences of spatial description in Guugu Yimthirr», Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 7-1: 98-131.

McKENZIE, R. «Downstream to here: geographically determined spatial deictics in Aralle-Tabulahan (Sulawesi)», in G. Senft (ed.), Referring to space: Studeis in Austronesian and Papuan languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

MANNING, P. H. «Indexical operators and scope relations in the old Georgian relative clause», Linguistics 35: 513-563.

MELCHERS, G. «This, that, yon: on 'Three-dimensional' deictic systems», in J. Cheshire & D. Stein (eds.), Taming the vernacular, London: Longman.

MILLET, A. «Localisation spatiale et paramètres énonciatifs en LSF», in B. Caron (éd.), Actes du colloque international des linguistes, Paris.

MILLET, A. «Réflexions sur le statut du mouvement dans les langues gestuelles: aspects lexicaux et syntaxiques», LIDIL 15: 5-10.

PERRY, «Indexicals and demonstratives», in Hale & C. Wright (eds.), A companion to the philosophy of language, Oxford: Blackwell.

SENFT, G. Referring to space, studies in Austronesian and Papuan languages, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

VUILLAUME M. «De doppelbödige der erzählten Welt», in H. Wuintin & M. Najar & St. Genz (eds.), Temporale Relationen / Temporale Bedeutung, Tübingen : Stauffenburg Verlag.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hèléne Perdicoyianni-Palèologou, E-Mail: