Inference 1984
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BISWAS, G. & DUBES, R. C. «Some experiments in two-dimensional grammatical inference», PRL 2 : 173-177.

GUMPERZ, J. J.  «The politics of a conversation: conversational inference in discussion», Berkeley : Berkeley Cognitive Science Report no. 23.

Van HEUVEN, V. J. J. P. & WESEMAEL—Van S. T. Inference of grammatical time from lexical versus morphological cues in the visual processing of French sentences by native and foreign learners, Internet resource, Database OALster.

HORN, L. «Toward a new taxonomy for pragmatics inference : Q-based and R-based implicature», in D. Schiffrin (ed.), Meaning, form and use in contextlinguistics applications, Georgetown : University Press.

JOHNSON-LAIRD, P. N. & BARA, B. G. «Syllogistic inference», Cognition 16-1 : 1-61.

LU, H. R. & FU, K. S. «A general approach to inference of context-free programmed grammars», T-SMC 14 : 191-202.

RICHETIN, M. & VERNADAT, F. «Efficient regular grammatical inference for pattern recognition», PR 17 : 245-250.

SCHIFFRIN, D. Meaning, form, and use in context : linguistic applications, Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press.

SMITH, H. R. «An algorithm for grammatical inference», CAIA 84 : 31-37.

SMITH, E. R. «Model of social inference processes», Psychological Review 91: 392-413.

TVERSKY, B. & HEMENWAY, K. «Objects, parts, and categories», Journal of Experimental Psycholology.  General 113-2 : 169-197.

TYLE, L. K. Integration of information during language comprehension : a developmental study, PRCD, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University.

van de VELDE, R. G. Prolegomena to inferential discourse processing, Amsterdam & Philadelphia.

VERNADAT, E. & RICHETIN, M. «Regular inference for syntactic pattern recognition : a case study», 71CPR 84 : 1370-1372.

WALKER, C. H. & YEKOVICH, F. R. «Script - based inferences: effects of text and knowledge variables on recognition memory», Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 23: 357-370.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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